Immortal Phalcon — Branding, Website, Digital Presence
Immortal Phalcon was my gaming brand for a few years. It’s no secret that a few years ago, video game content creators began proving that they’re capable of making money with gaming. Not just your average money, but good money. Well, I decided to give it a try. While I was better at the marketing and design materials to this venture than the actual gaming content, I still am proud of the work I did with Immortal Phalcon.
E.P. True Chiropractic — Social Media Management
I met Dr. Kevin Miller at a health products conference in Des Moines, Iowa. After telling him what I do, he asked if I would be interested in helping him with his social media management. In February of 2022 I began working on E.P. True Chiropractic’s social media. My purpose is to help gain exposure and draw in potential leads. I do so with attractive imagery and control over the SEO capabilities allowed through Facebook and Instagram.