The Fear Of A Hard Drive Going Corrupt
This is a true horror story in itself. For those that aren’t creatives, it’s bad, but for creatives, it’s devastating! Recently I had my main external hard drive go corrupt. This was the hard drive that I used to store damn near everything!
The harsh reality is, personal hard drives have the possibility of failing. My primary advice would be to back up your back up. I know, you’ve probably heard that a million times by now, but that’s because it’s good advice. Sometimes, that’s not really easy or convenient though. For many creatives—like myself—or files can take up a lot of space. My primary drive was a 4TB Weatern Dogital myPassport. I’ve used this brand many times in the past with no issues(4 other hard drives to be exact). I guess you could say that I was due for problems. I made the mistake of keeping practically everything on one hard drive. When the drive failed, I panicked!
Western Digital does have some companies listed as “trusted” affiliates to help with this situation, but their prices are bonkers. One of them quoted me $1000 to recover the files with a possible wait time of 10–20 days. In this, I would’ve had to ship the drive to them (scary), have them do their thing (scary), and then get it shipped back (scary).
As you may have suspected, I went searching for other options. I was more hoping for a software that I could use on my computer to recover the files. I mean, the issue was minor anyway, not something worthy of $1000. I found 2 options. The first couldn’t locate the files that I needed after waiting 18 hours for it to scan the drive. The second found ALL of my files after a 5-minute scan. Both cost about the same amount, so from there, my choice seemed easy. All that was left was to search for proof of safety and trust in the software. Well, I found enough safety in trust to pull the trigger.
iBoysoft Data Recovery software was the right choice for this problem. The interface is easy to understand and use, the price is very manageable (especially compared to the $1000 from the other guys), and best of all…it worked! I paid just over $90 to recover all of my (what I thought were lost) files on my own computer, without having to deal with any kind of shipping, and in a shorter time frame.